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6:00 AM - 9:00 PM


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Five ways to combat stress and burn-out

Extensive research into the health and wellbeing of the nation shows that more than half of people often have difficulty sleeping (54%) and feel close to burning out (52%). The Kalmfulness Index, a study conducted with more than 3,700 respondents, has revealed that nearly half of adults (46%) living in the UK often feel stressed and unable to cope. Read more “Five ways to combat stress and burn-out”

22 minutes of exercise per day ‘can offset negative impact of sitting down’

Just 22 minutes per day of brisk walking, housework or jogging can offset the negative health effects of too much sitting down, research has suggested.

Experts found that people who sit for long periods – such as in an office job or watching TV – are more likely to die earlier, but moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) eliminates this risk.

Read more “22 minutes of exercise per day ‘can offset negative impact of sitting down’”

A guide to staying fit and healthy as you get older

Source: Stars Insider 

Most people look forward to a relaxing lifestyle as they get older, but that doesn’t have to mean being sedentary. In fact, when crossing the middle age threshold, we ought to be more careful with our life choices in order to maximize our health and overall well-being.

Here are 26 excellent tips to keeping fit and healthy as we age: Read more “A guide to staying fit and healthy as you get older”